Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable
Environment and Building Systems

Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable
Environment and Building Systems
Established in 2007, the Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems (KIAEBS) pursues the development of education in the field of building environment and building systems through academic research on thermal, lighting, acoustics, and air quality. The purpose of KIAEBS is to develop related technologies, improve the status of those involved, and contribute to society.
KIABES is operated by the president and vice presidents for the general affairs, research, academic, business committees, and a regional branch (Busan/Ulsan/Gyeongnam). Academic conference and symposium are held every year. Institute of Passive Architecture and Zero Energy Building (IPAZEB) was established as a research institute, contributing to the dissemination and development of zero-energy passive buildings.
As for international activities, KIAEBS signed an MOU for academic exchange with SHASEJ in 2015 and RHEVA in 2016 and joined ASHRAE's AASA in 2018. ROOMVENT 2009 and IAQVEC 2016 international symposiums were held by KIAEBS in Busan and Songdo, and Indoor air 2020 was held jointly with the Korean Society for Indoor Environment (KOSIE) in 2020. In November 2021, ISHVAC 2021 will be held in Seoul.
In the future, we will actively promote the development of the built environment and building systems through academic and overseas activities and want to play a pivotal role in the development of the built environment and building systems to meet the social demand for a safer and more comfort environment, thereby contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.